Selesch Schlüsseldienst Ramersdorf-Perlach
Ramersdorf-Perlach is the 16th district of the Bavarian capital Munich where our company also operates, the Münchener Schlüsseldienst Selesch. It is located southeast of the city center and is the most populous district of Munich with about 118,000 inhabitants, Münchener Schlüsseldienst Selesch is available to all 118,000 people if they need help. Ramersdorf-Perlach has an area of 19.9 km², making it the sixth-largest district in Munich. It consists of two former communities, Ramersdorf and Perlach. Rumoltesdorf is first mentioned in a copy of the Freising documentary between 1006 and 1022, but the ending “-dorf” suggests that the settlement already existed in the second half of the 9th century.
Ramersdorf-Perlach gives home to one of Munich’s oldest churches, the Church of St. Mary in Ramersdorf, first mentioned in 1315. There are two other old churches in the district, St. Michael’s Church and St. Paul’s Church, Munich’s oldest Protestant church. The district has eleven elementary schools, three high schools, two special schools and 72 parks (151 acres). The district of Ramersdorf-Perlach has five districts, namely Ramersdorf, Balanstraße-West, Altperlach, Neuperlach and Waldperlach, and our company Münchener Schlüsseldienst Selesch operates in all five districts. The Balanstraße-West district is also called Ramersdorf-Süd or Nussdorf.
This blog in german: Ramersdorf-Perlach
In order to alleviate the housing shortage that Munich had to face in the 1950s, the Munich City Council decided in 1960 to create a load-reducing city to be built first in the area within Perlach, providing housing for 80,000 people in the area. These houses are often equipped with very outdated locks. Never forget how important security is! If you have lock problems you can count on the help of Münchener Schlüsseldienst Selesch.
More Information: Schlüsseldienst München